Challis Lodge #92 Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Idaho
Challis Lodge # 92 Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Idaho. We are a part of the Worldwide Organization of men dedicated to improving themselves and their surroundings, known for assisting others when help is needed. Open to interested males if they request admittance and are accepted to membership. Our local lodge is located at 1220 Valley Street (Across and up the street from the Village Inn Café). Our meetings are on the second Thursday of the month. Local Masons can advance to become York or Scottish Rite Masons as well as Shriners if they are interested. Our sister organization is Eastern Star, open to men and women with a Masonic affiliation and their meetings are on the second Monday of the month.
Some of the things we now do around town: Pumpkin Painting and Carving Night, prepare and maintain the Ice-Skating Pond at the elementary school and have skating nights, Easter Egg hunt, Bikes for Books at the Elementary School, Teacher of the year award, Shrine Circus, “Tin Lizzy” cars in the local parades, and Child Identification packets.
We are always interested in new members and other projects to assist others in need. A select group of people in whom you can put your trust. Information is available on request.